Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Williamsburg Day 4: Swimming and a Movie

July 7: We tried to let Dave sleep in this day because he had gone at 3:30 am to take Don and his family to the airport. Then we took the kids to the indoor pool. Aunt Danielle was a big help, it was great to have 3 adults to 3 children... Spencer and Carter both took turns trying to swim and holding their breath. They were doing really well with it. Miana just absolutely loves the water, so she had a blast. She was getting tired fast, though, so when Grandma came and offered to take her home, we didn't complain.
After lunch and naps we went to see a movie. We went to Wall-E. The boys did really well sitting through it, Miana was a different story... Taking a wiggley, walking baby with an attitude to a movie isn't my favorite activity and it reminds me of why I only watch things when they come out on video. She was eating popcorn off the floor, climbing up the steps, trying to crawl under the seats, and, if you dared pick her up, she would scream and arch her back so you couldn't hold her well. It was horrible. I saw only the first 15-20 minutes of the movie (oh, except those few minutes when I took Carter to the bathroom) then the rest was in the hall with her, except the last 10 - 15 when Dave came and took her so I could watch the movie. He didn't have an easy time of it either... Afterwards he said he couldn't believe how hard she was being... I can, I spent the entire time at National Treasure 2 with her acting that way which is why I had decided I didn't want to go to another movie with her EVER. We were convinced that she was older now and would be better. Um, sure... Nope. No more movies. So, I saw bits and pieces of the show, probably totally up to an hour. Overall, I liked the movie, or at least what I saw of it.
I think we then went swimming again that night, after dinner, but the indoor pool was totally crowded, so it wasn't as pleasant, which is likely why I blocked it from memory.

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