Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A morning out

Today we had to take Tayla to a quick doctor's appt. When we were leaving, the doctor asked Miana to give her five. Miana wasn't paying much attention and instead of giving the doctor a "high five" she smacked her in the face. That was great.
Then we were off to the store. Tomorrow is Carter's birthday so I let him pick out a few things for dessert this week. He got cookies to take to school tomorrow, a chocolate mint pie for dessert tomorrow, and a cake mix and frosting for me to make him a cake for Saturday when we have some family over. While we were doing self check out ( the only lane with no one in it) I asked Carter to bag the groceries while I scanned them. Miana climbed out of the cart and decided to "help." After she pulled off (and pulled apart) an entire group of plastic bags, I finally got her back into the cart. We finished up and left as quickly as we could.
In the car, Carter started doing math problems. Lately, he has been showing off by challenging himself to harder problems. After figuring out what 102 + 103 was, he decided to ask me a question...

Carter: What's donkey + donkey?
Me: 2 donkeys
Carter: Wrong. Double donkey. (he chuckles) What's donkey + donkey + donkey + 4?
Me: That depends, does the 4 mean 4 more donkeys or is it just the number 4?
Carter: 4 more donkeys.
Me: Then the answer is 7 donkeys.
Carter: No, it's 4 donkeys and 1 squirrel. You were wrong.
Me: Oh, I didn't know that there was a squirrel.
Carter: Well, there was a squirrel.

I now know that 3 individual donkeys equal 1 squirrel and can not be combined with the 4 additional donkeys to equal 2 squirrels and 1 donkey, that would be incorrect. Also, 4 donkeys do not equal 2 double donkeys, that is also incorrect. Good to know.


Stacy Risenmay said...

So cute! Kids make life interesting eh?

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