Sunday, January 24, 2010


October 9th we let the kids skip school to go to the Maryland Science Museum in Baltimore's inner harbor. The kids had a blast because everything was "hands on!"
Dinosaurs, excavating, and making dinosaur tracks...

Marble track, astronauts, and playing with water...

Carter walking on the moon and the kids sitting on a giant anchor at the Inner Harbor...

October 12 was a day off of school, Dave was out of town, AND it was my Birthday. I celebrated by having cake, pie, & cake. Spencer gave me a card, made dinner for everyone, cleaned up the family room, and took parts (wires, antennas, etc.) from several different toys, taped them together in an attempt to receive signals from satelites. Here are some pictures of his creation:

This day Miana just looked so cute taking Carter to the bus stop, I had to grab my camera and take pictures of her...
Carter and Miana decided to play in the dryer one day, don't worry, they were not in danger - I was there and they were only in there for a minute or so before I made them get out - I was worried they would break it.

Halloween came and the kids were super heroes, we had Bumble Bee and Optimus Prime, Wonder Woman, and a Tootsie Roll (yes, a super hero - saving the world from hunger)...

October was a great month for us!!

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