Friday, September 11, 2009

Conversation with a 2 year old

We take a break from our regularly scheduled update to bring you breaking news... okay, it's not news at all. It is just a little peek into my life.

Today, I had another 2 year old, named Jakob, here. I put Miana and Jakob both down for naps at the same time and then J's mom came to pick him up before M woke up. Here is the conversation after she woke up.

Me: Hi! Did you have a good nap?
M: Yah. Where Jakob go?
Me: He went home, his mommy wanted him home.
M: Jakob go home? Jakob go home mommy. I wear this (now pointing to a rain coat she had on earlier, she then put it on). I (mumbles something) this. Jakob home.

She then walked around for about 10 seconds with the rain coat on and then went into the hallway.

M: Jacob have this (pointing to the jacket Jakob borrowed when we went outside). I have this. Jakob home. Mommy Jakob home. I have drink. This Jakob cup. Where Miana cup?
Me: Here's your cup, do you want water?
M: Yah. Miana have water. (takes a drink, then a quiet pause) Where Jakob go?

I love 2 year olds! This all happened in about a 3 minute time period. She was talking fast.
