Sunday, May 3, 2009

Carter's Birthday Party

I hate posting out of order (chronological) but I need to post about Carter's party which was 2 days ago... I promised I would put pictures up!

All Carter wanted was a moonbounce party. I looked into several local places that have indoor moonbounce parties, although they were very fun, they ran $300-$400 for the party. Not quite what I was hoping for. I was willing to spend some money as this is Carter's biggest party that he will ever have (we do a big first party at age 5, then a smaller party at 8, one at 12, and a final party at 16, they get no other birthday parties maybe 1-2 friends allowed to do something with the family). So, I looked into renting a moonbounce, I found a reasonably priced one and reserved it. I sent out invitations to 18 kids ages 4-5 years. All week long, Carter asked if it was Friday yet. Finally, Friday morning came. At 6am, Carter came into my room, woke me up, and asked if it was time for his party yet. The party was to start at 1pm, we had a long time to go. I busily cleaned the house all morning, stopping only to feed the baby and get things for Miana and Carter. Miana worked AGAINST me the whole morning, the worst being opening a package of Ritz crackers, dumping them all over the kitchen floor, and then stomping on them. Also, I was stressing over the weather. It was supposed to rain off and on all day. It started raining at noon. Here was the radar at 10 min. to 1pm. The hand in the middle of the picture is where we live...
All day, Carter asked if it was time yet, just about every 15 minutes. At the moment I was checking radar, this happened...
He did not wake up until there were 6-7 kids here and one of the moms started singing "Happy Birthday" to him. Here is what the moonbounce looked like for the first hour...
(Yes, those are puddles of water) Finally, the sun came out and one of the moms dried it off (I'm still technically in recovery from a c-section and didn't want to rip anything)... She was a life saver!! Here are some kids jumping.
I think everyone had fun and Carter seemed to like it. I am pleased with how everything turned out in the end and I am VERY glad it is over.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks like such a fun birthday party! I was noticing your beautiful backyard.... the grass .... oh what I would do to have Brett clean out the weeds in my backy yard!!! Maybe I will plan a birthday party like this so I can have the excuse to have him clean it up :)