Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween Candy

We never seem to have enough and when I buy what seems to be enough, we end up with waaaayyyyy toooo much. I do usually end up buying extra the week of Halloween, just to make sure we are covered, but by then, all the good stuff is sold out and all that is left is the nasty stuff that no one wants (like little bags of pretzels, eye ball shaped candies, and generic stuff that tastes a bit like cardboard). So this year, I thought I would start early. I also knew that I would open it at some point before Halloween. I had intended to make it at least a week, possibly two before opening a bag. I bought several bags of candy this morning. I then left them in the car so I wouldn't be tempted this morning. I remained untempted as I got back in the car to pick up Carter. He got in the car and still, I thought nothing of the candy sitting in there. Carter asked about it and sat down. I explained that it was for Halloween and he seemed to accept that. As luck would have it, on the car ride home I begun to have an uncontrollable craving for a Kit Kat Bar. When we got home, Carter asked a simple question that led way to a moment of satisfaction and has caused me considerable guilt. He simply asked, "if I eat something healthy for lunch, can I have one candy?" What Mom is going to say no to that? It was insightful, well thought out, and precise. It was a good deal for me and for him. I agreed to one candy. I told him to please look for the red bag (the kit kats) and we were both happy. I have since eaten 4 of them (they were the little ones) and I have not yet had my "something healthy" at this rate I will need to eat a huge salad for lunch to make up for the little snacks... The "Halloween Candy" made it a whole 2 hours... (no, I didn't misuse the quotation marks)

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