Thursday, November 8, 2007

105.2! A new family record...

No, I didn't freak out, but I was starting to go through every scenario... I will have to take him to the emergency room, they will find something terrible, he will be admitted and we will both spend the next few days in the hospital, they will have to get complete statements as to whom he has been in contact with the last few weeks and we will have to quarantine the family. There will be a huge outbreak and it will be our faults because the kids have played with everyone in the neighborhood.

Let's do a flashback, back to Monday afternoon. My sister just returned from a trip to Africa and came over to bring us lunch. I jokingly said to her, "I don't know if I want you around my kids, you may have brought back strange diseases with you."

The next afternoon, after spending the day with some friends, I noticed Carter was warm. I took his temperature, 101. That's okay. I gave him some Motrin and that was it, I watched him that day and he was a still a little warm, but nothing serious. That night, in the middle of the night, he came into our bedroom. He was really warm and said he needed a drink. I got him a drink, gave him some Motrin and took his temp. 103... we're getting warmer... The next morning he still had a slight fever, but overall seemed fine (obviously I didn't send him to school). That was yesterday, all day he was fine as long as he was on Motrin, but as soon as it wore off, his fever was back up towards 103. He seemed miserable right before bed, was really stuffy and therefore having a hard time breathing. He was making some pretty funny noises while he was sleeping. Then, at 2:35am this morning, he woke me up. "I need a drink, I need a drink." I got him a drink, some Motrin, and took his temperature, it read 101, but I couldn't get it in his ear just right, he felt so much warmer than that, so I repositioned and took it again, 105.2! I had just given him Motrin, so we wanted to make sure it was working before I freaked out. It had been taking 45 min. for the medicine to kick in, but I laid there thinking... I'm giving it a 1/2 hour then I am getting dressed and taking him to the ER. By 1/2 hour later, the meds had already begun working, so I settled down.

And, that's basically it. I am obviously taking him to the dr. today. In fact, time to go! I'll update later.

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