Spencer has been waiting and waiting and waiting for his top middle tooth to fall out (the one on my left). He already lost the tooth next to it and the adult tooth is already out of the gums. His tooth just will not fall out. Last week, we noticed that the other center tooth was loose. Then on Friday night, Spencer came and sat on my lap and said, "Mom, look! My tooth is really loose." He then touched it, pushing it forward and it popped out, landing on my arm. I was excited that he finally had lost that left tooth. Then I looked up and saw that no, he hadn't. He lost the top right tooth. Now he has a tooth in the middle of him mouth, which is slanted because the adult tooth is pushing it out. He looks like he has one pointy tooth right in the middle. So, I decided that it is okay, for now, to call him "snaggletooth." If he doesn't lose that other tooth soon, we may be having some assistance from the dentist (we already have an appointment in 2 weeks).

Now don't take this wrong, but I think maybe Andrea could use him in her medical pictures--he looks like someone from an under-developed country where they don't get the proper nutrition... Don't worry, though: Nana still loves him!
How can you not take that the wrong way? :)
That is probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen in my life, ever.
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