Friday, February 15, 2008

Spencer, again.

He had a friend over this afternoon, but he also had some housework to do. I asked him to pick up the toys in the family room, but true to form, that's not what he wanted to do to help. He got out a dust rag and said he needed to dust something. He decided that the mantel above the fireplace was a great place to start. He can't reach up there, so he pulled a small end table over to stand on (it was pretty heavy, but he was able to drag it the 3 feet to where he needed it.) His friend said, "I don't think you should stand on that, you might fall." Spencer turned around and said, "Don't worry, I'm trained for this."

1 comment:

The Petersons said...

I hope you can keep these forever, because they are so funny!!!aeoiou